What is a Clubhouse?
The Clubhouse model is an internationally recognized, evidence-based, best practice model for psychiatric rehabilitation for adults living with chronic and persistent mental illness. Our Place of Hope is a member of Clubhouse International and plans to become an accredited Clubhouse. Clubhouse International is the accrediting body for Clubhouses worldwide and is active in social, government, and mental advocacy efforts. There are 340 Clubhouses internationally and an international training center located in Greenville, South Carolina.
Want to refer a patient to Our Place of Hope
Download our Referral Form and email it to:
Our Clubhouse
The Our Place of Hope Clubhouse is conveniently located in a 4,500 sq ft facility at 600 Holland Avenue, Cayce, SC, to serve all the Midlands for those 18 or older living with mental illness.
The Clubhouse experience has been proven to result in positive outcomes for many members, including:
- Better employment rates. Clubhouse members have double the average employment rate of those involved in the public mental health system. Those engaging in Clubhouse Transitional Employment also have longer on-the-job tenure.
- Cost effectiveness. One year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week stay at a psychiatric hospital. The cost of Clubhouses is estimated to be about half the annual costs of the Community Mental Health Centers.
- A significant decrease in hospitalizations as a result of membership in a Clubhouse program.
- Reduction in incarcerations. Criminal justice system involvement substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse psycho-social program membership.
- Proven to lower the cost of private state run organizations.
- Housing that contributes to reducing the number of homeless individuals living with mental illness. This saves dollars for residential care and Department of Social Services Optional Supplement payments.
- Improved well-being compared with individuals receiving psychiatric services without Clubhouse membership. Clubhouse members were significantly more likely to report that they had close friendships and someone they could rely on when they needed help.
- Better physical and mental health. A recent study suggests that service systems like clubhouses that offer ongoing social supports enhance mental and physical health by reducing disconnectedness.

To report suspected Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult (18 years or older) in a community setting such as the adult’s home, call:
1-888-CARE4US (1-888-227-3487).
Our Place of Hope Offers Participants:
- Workforce Development and Vocational Opportunities
- Transitional & Permanent Housing (coming soon)
- Community & Meaningful Relationships
- Access to Health Care (coming soon)
- A Support System
- Nutritious Meals
- Transportation (coming soon)
- Educational Opportunities
“We believe all Clubhouse members can achieve optimal mental health when the right structure and support are in place.”
– Dr. Steve Barnett
The Scope of Mental Health

1 in 5 Adults
In America experience a mental illness.

Nearly 10,000,000 Adults
In America live with a serious mental illness.

~10.2 Million
Adults have co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders.

Depression is the leading cause of mental illness, and is a major contributor to the global burden of disease.

-$193 Billion
Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earning every year.

Ninety Percent
Of those who die by suicide have an underlying mental illness. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
Treatment in America

Nearly 60% of Adults
With a mental illness didn’t receive mental health services in the previous year.

African & Hispanic Americans
Used mental health services at about ½ the rate of whites in the past year and Asian Americans at about 1/3 the rate.

Of Youth Aged 8-15
Didn’t receive mental health services in the previous year.
Sources: National Council for Behavioral Health and National Alliance on Mental Illness